The password just created is:
Note that the password is comprised of two or more words with a special character between them. Please look carefully at the special character.
If capital letters and/or numeric digits are required change the case of any letters and add digits or your choice as required.
This password was 1 of 1,695,582,873 possible passwords (equivalent to a key length of 30 bits) that could have been created from the following parameters.
The security of a password is based on several factors.
Passwords generated here with the default parameters of 2 words of length between 4 and 6 inclusive are approximately as secure as 8 characters randomly drawn from a set of 50.
For a more secure password change the parameters to a larger number of words and/or a wider range of word lengths and Create a New Password. The possible passwords are calculated as follows where nw = the number of words within the length limits, wc = the number of words and ns = the number of separator characters:
No generated password information nor any user information is recorded.
Disclaimer: This site makes no warranties whatsoever about the safety of utilizing passwords that are generated, use at your own risk!
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©SM | Updated: 17Jun02 |